Monday, December 26, 2011

100 posts! And what we've been up to...

So, I've been blogging for approximately 4 years now, and I'm just now getting to my 100th post. That shows how much I update my blog. Oh well...I try. So, I know I said last month that I would update after Ariana's 4-month appointment. Well, that was about a month ago and I'm finally getting to it. Ariana did great at her doctors appointment. She weighed 17 1/2 pounds (97%) and honestly, I can't remember her height but I think it calculated to like the 95% or something like that. So, she's a pretty big. This is where the appointment go interesting. They looked at her growth for her head and it was off the charts big. I always knew she had a bigger head, but I guess I just didn't realize how big it was. The doctor got a little concerned about the size and wanted to schedule an appointment for an ultrasound on it at Primary Children's. They thought she was developing normally and stuff, so they weren't too concerned. There's just always concern about water on the brain with some bigger-headed babies. Anyways, our insurance has paid everything for the rest of the year, so I went ahead and went with it. I figure I'd rather be safe than sorry. So, the following week, I headed up to the hospital with baby girl in tow. Lance just HAD to get the stomach flu that morning, so I took my mother-in-law with me for support. Got up there, got checked in, got right back to the room and they looked everything over. Ariana was a real trooper and was happy for most of it. I think it got really hard for her to hold still and eventually got fussy. We got results the same day. Radiologist said everything looked on the high end of normal to her. There is some liquid in her soft spot area, but nothing to be concerned about. It should clear up by the time she turns 1. What a relief! Poor Ariana has the big-headed genes I guess. Our baby is happy and healthy and that's all that matters.

Ariana is now 5 months old and such a sweet and good baby. She's such a joy to have in our family. Jace loves her so much. I hear him every morning when they both wake up talking to her and assuring her she's okay and mommy will come and get her. He loves to rub his head into her and talk to her and it's funny how much she likes it. She just loves her big brother and loves to watch his every move. Some more things about Ariana just so I can remember them (I was never very good about documenting things about Jace and now regret it). She hasn't rolled over yet. I guess she's going to be really slow at it. She loves her mommy! She is really good when her daddy takes care of her, but will eventually get really fussy, but the second she sees her mommy, she just gets a big smile like she's so happy to see me. She is sooooo ticklish! I don't think I've ever seen a baby as ticklish as she is. She loves to stand. I think I remember Jace always sitting, but Ariana, all I have to do is grab both hands and she automatically goes to a standing position. We noticed today she's a little bit of a thumb sucker. She won't take a binky. We pushed it for a little while and she would eventually start sucking on it, but she was never very big on it. Sometimes I think she is teething because she's starting to suck on her fingers and everyone else's fingers and she drools like no other! Good thing she got lots of bibs for Christmas because I think she is going to require one. I started Ariana on baby food, but it has been so hard for her to pick up on how to eat thicker stuff. I've been trying for about a month to feed her rice cereal and even tried sweet potatoes once. It's almost like she just has a really hard time swallowing it. I push some into her mouth and she automatically sticks out her tongue and it all comes back out. I don't ever remember giving Jace baby food being this difficult. She's definitely big enough for it. I'm just continuing to work on it and hoping she will pick it up soon because it sure has been frustrating trying to get her to eat it everyday.

As a mom, I really worry about my kids. I know I'm not the only mother to say that. I just really watch my kids and see how they're developing compared to other kids. Sure every kid is different, but I just really watch and tend to notice things. I noticed a lot of things about Jace and then found out later I wasn't crazy and he has aspergers. I just look at Ariana and worry about her as well. It's a little worrisome that she hasn't rolled over yet. I think it's more worrisome that she doesn't really try to roll over. Whenever I lay her down on the ground on her tummy, she just lays there. I feel like she should be making attempts to roll over by now. I also worry a little bit that she doesn't try to grab at things yet. A lot of babies by this age are starting to touch things and hold onto them. I put a toy in front of Ariana and she just looks at it. I put something to her hand and she just drops it. Maybe my problem is I have 2 kids now and Ariana is very different from how her brother was. I'm not too worried about her yet because she is still young and she does do a lot of things like smile and laugh and react to things. It's just other things physically that she doesn't do. It's just really interesting to me to see the difference between babies.

I suppose I should post about Jace as well. I can't forget about that little guy. Jace is just a super fun little boy. We just celebrated Christmas yesterday and it was a blast with him this year. Lance and I decided to forgo doing gifts for each other this year and focus on Jace. I don't regret it one bit. Jace memorized about every Christmas song that came on the radio. I think he's going to be a little sad getting in the car finding that Christmas songs are now over. I think his favorite was Jingle Bell Rock. Jace was excited about gifts this year. He opened all of his presents and was even excited over all of Ariana's. He went around the room with my family and had to help all of them with opening their presents. We got home so late last night that we told Jace we didn't have time to get his toys out because it was bed time. This morning, I found him sitting with his toys around him just looking at all of them in their boxes waiting until Lance and I woke up to get them out for him. Jace still loves preschool. He has now learned all of the capital letters and most of his numbers as well. We are now trying to focus on helping him learn his lower case letters. He loves to see things written out and tell us what letters they are. He is finally really starting to get good about letting us take pictures of him. If you remember, Jace has always hated getting pictures taken. I'm excited because he's getting pictures tomorrow with his cousins and hopefully they should turn out really good. Getting pictures of Jace isn't such a traumatic thing anymore. And sadly, I don't have any new pictures of with me to post of him right now.

As for an update on me and Lance....I'm still working, but just PRN (as needed). I was worried about not having guaranteed hours, but it has been great so far. I've been picking up quite a few shifts, especially with it being the holidays. Lance picked up a temporary second job, just where he already works but taking phone calls. He's gone all the time, but it's been a blessing for our family his work letting him do that. He had interview with another company to work a second job, but I'd rather him keep doing what he is doing for as long as they'll let him. We'll see what happens with that.

Anyways...I think that's about our life right now. Things are going great with our little family. I'll write again next year!!!