Here she is looking right at the camera.
Her legs...she's already a perfect lady and had her ankles crossed.
A shot of her spine.
Here she is...definitely a girl! Lance was so cute. When the ultrasound tech said girl, he kept asking "are you sure?" The tech said she was pretty sure.
They kept trying to get a profile shot, but she was just not going to have it! This is the best they could do.
They measured the baby and everything. My due date is August 11th, but based on her measurements, it looks like she's measuring just a few days big and is showing the 8th of August. I'm sure they'll keep the due date as the 11th though. It's funny because even though she's measuring a little big, I haven't gained any weight yet. Maybe I'll get lucky and won't gain the tremendous amount of weight I gained with Jace. We'll see!
So, when I was 9 months pregnant with Jace, my grandfather passed away. I felt so lucky to bring a little boy into this world at that time. Anyways, a couple weeks ago, my grandmother passed away, so I feel very lucky to be bringing a little girl into this world. I know that they're not replacing my grandparents, but there's just something really special knowing that my grandparents are getting to know my little ones right before they're coming to this earth. I feel like they're getting to bond and my grandparents are just up there getting them all prepared of what is to come.
Anyways, we're halfway done now! Crazy to think in 20 short weeks, we'll be having a little girl join our family. We can't wait!!!
Awesome! Good for you guys. Grandmom told me the big news... super excited for your little lady!
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