I broke down and bought Jace one of the animal backpacks that also doubles as a leash. I love this picture because you can see the cute lion on Jace's back.
This was one of those times that Jace was completely fearless. He walked into a small space and this huge goat was back there. Well, Jace wasn't going to take it being in his way, so he literally pushed it out of his way. Poor goat.
I think Jace liked petting the big sheep more than the baby lambs because of their wool.
Of course, you can't go to the petting zoo without letting him ride the horsey. He absolutely loved being on the horsey, but about halfway through the ride, he started screaming that he was all done and wanted off. I think he just wanted to go see all the other horseys and ride them all.
After the petting zoo, we ate lunch and went to a few stores. Mostly we just let the kids run around together. It was Gardner Village's 30th Birthday, so they had a big truck with a cake and stuff on it. Sarah's little girl, Dagny, wanted a picture up by the cake, so I put Jace up with her. Well, Jace didn't want his picture and that made Dangy upset, so instead of a smiling picture, we got a picture of both kids pouting.
Oh funny funny kids. Gotta love em though. It definitely proved to be a fun day that day though and the weather was absolutely perfect. We'll definitely have to do it again.
What a cutie Jace is. Gardner village is a great place`for the kiddos.
How fun! I didn't know that they had a petting zoo there.
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