Monday, July 14, 2008

Big boy!

This is my first day home alone with Jace in 2 months. I'm just sitting here looking at him and enjoying every little bit of him. He is such a growing boy and I can't believe how big he's getting. I don't have any pics of everything Jace does, but he sure is changing this past little bit. He turns 9 months old this week and I just can't believe how the time flies.

He's discovered he can do so many things lately. The one thing that I wish and don't wish that he would learn is how to crawl. He's getting very close. He likes to roll over onto his stomach, but once he gets there, he just flings his legs and arms around like crazy and then gets sick of being there and gets mad. You can tell he wants to go for things, but he just can't quite figure it out. He can turn himself on his stomach, but he won't go forward.

Lately, I've been going into Jace's room to find him sleeping on his stomach. That's a very new thing because he usually doesn't enjoy his somach. One thing that I absolutely hate about him sleeping on his stomach is that he always wets his diaper so so much, so it usually goes out the front of him all over the front of his clothes and on his crib sheets and blanket. I find myself changing his sheets on a daily basis. The diaper problem is difficult because he's kind of in between diaper sizes. His size 2's seem to fit, but they don't hold all of his wetness in, but a size 3 seems way too big still for him. Maybe I just need to change diaper brands?

Jace loves to grab at anything that mommy or daddy eats, plays with, or just has. The whole time I've been typing this, Jace has been pulling himself to the computer like he's trying to put his little bit of input in. If we're on the phone, he steals it and puts it in his mouth. If we're eating, he steals bits of it and puts it in his mouth. He takes the remote when we're not looking and pushes buttons like crazy.

I just love everything that Jace does. He's discovered that he can growl. He also enjoys vibrating his lips together, mostly when he's upset. He pulls on things to get him to his knees and occasionally his feet (maybe he'll walk before he crawls). My favorite thing that he's learned to do is shake his head no. All we have to do is say "No, no" and he shakes his head no like crazy. He's also discovered he can throw tantrums (which I hate) to get what he wants.

I know my baby is no more fascinating than any other, but he sure does fascinate me. He's such a joy to watch and have around. He does nothing but make me smile and laugh. I'm so greatful to be a mom to a beautiful little boy. There's not a thing I would change about him. He's such a blessing in my life.


Sarah said...

When it comes to pee and babies sleeping it's better to go with the larger diaper size. We did that with Dagny and they hold her pee in much better. Also, we used to use Huggies, but found that Pampers absorb pee better. Try those out and I think it might help. We had fun hanging out with you guys! We should do it again soon maybe at your mom's so that we can visit her too. Love you!

KTG said...

Oh hello! So, I just wanted to say that is was the fun times when I got to sit at the rejection table with all of you! I'm sad that we lived to far away all those years to really get to know one another, but I'm trying to make up for it now SO, keep in touch and I love reading your blog!