Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tag...I'm it?

Wow...I've never been tagged before.  It's kind of crazy that this is the first time.  I'm a little embarrassed to admit my quirks, but oh well.  

Rules: 1. Link the person who tagged you.  2. Mention the rules on your blog 3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours 4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking them.

1. I love to eat toast and chocolate milk together and sometimes I even dip the toast in the milk.   Honestly, I like to have chocolate milk with anything I eat like donuts or scones.  I can't eat that stuff if I don't have chocolate milk there too.

2. I never have long fingernails because I like to rip them off.  If I don't have fingernail clippers, I can't wait to cut them.  I just rip them off instead of biting them.

3.  I leave hairclips everywhere!  They never go to where they belong. They're always elsewhere.  My mom couldn't stand that and my husband can't either.  I'm always buying new hairclips because I lose them.

4.I hate hair!  Just mainly individual strands.  If I have a piece on me, it just bugs me until I can get it off.  It kind of gives me the heeby jeebies when it gets stuck to me. I also can't clean the bathroom because there are sometimes stray hairs.   Yuck!  I hate that my dog sheds because it can get places and it bugs me like crazy!  

5.  I would rather text or email than talk to someone in person.   

6. I constantly do math in my head!  I always have to add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers that I see.  It doesn't help that I have a job where I'm constantly updating addresses, insurance id #'s, etc.  I know so many zipcodes!!!

I tag really whoever feels like doing this.  If you have time, then fun stuff and if not, then oh well!  It's kind of fun to see everyone's quirks though.  


Jenni said...

So funny! I'm a single strand Hairiphobe as well! I do want to be added to your list so my email address is

Liz said...

I love reading everyone elses quirks. It makes me feel not so wierd, especialy when we have the same quirks, like fingernails and hair clips:)